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PCA Library Announcements

National Safety Month @ PCA Library

by Louisa Verma on 2023-06-01T07:59:00-07:00 | 0 Comments

Learn something new about safety! Whether updating a safety process, learning to think differently about safety behaviors or preparing for safety in the “industry 4.0 era”, the PCA Library can assist you in finding safety information.

The PCA Library's eBook Central platform provides access to a number of safety-related e-books.

Request an eBook Central account (PCA Staff, Board & Committee members only)

Visit the Cement Industry Safety Resources page for a selection of IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference Papers relating to safety.

Request the latest research to be sent to you on a specific safety challenge of interest


Construction SafetyLi, Rita Yi Man, and Sun Wah Poon. Construction Safety, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2013. 

This book sketches the construction accidents on sites, followed by a review of safety measures in some of the developing countries such as Bermuda, Egypt, Kuwait and China; as well as developed countries, for example, the United States, France and Singapore. It also highlights the enormous compensation costs with the courts' experiences in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.





Process and Plant SafetyHauptmanns, Ulrich. Process and Plant Safety, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2020.

The book proceeds from hazards caused by materials and process conditions to indicating engineered and organizational measures for achieving the objectives of reduction and mitigation. Qualitative methods for identifying weaknesses of design and increasing safety as well as models for assessing accident consequences are presented. Numerous worked-out examples and case studies addressing real plants and situations deepen the understanding of the subjects treated and support self-study.





Process SafetyKlein, James A., and Bruce K. Vaughen. Process Safety : Key Concepts and Practical Approaches, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.

This book provides key concepts, practical approaches, and tools for establishing and maintaining effective process safety programs to successfully identify, evaluate, and manage process hazards. It introduces process safety systems in a way that helps readers understand the purpose, design, and everyday use of overall process safety system requirements. Understanding what the systems are intended to achieve, why they have been designed and implemented in a specific way, and how they should function day-to-day is essential to ensure continued safe and reliable operations.





Safety DifferentlyDekker, Sidney. Safety Differently : Human Factors for a New Era, Second Edition, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.

The new edition of Safety Differently explains how to turn safety from a bureaucratic accountability back into an ethical responsibility for those who do our dangerous work, and how to embrace the human factor not as a problem to control, but as a solution to harness. This new era calls for a different kind of safety thinking, a thinking that sees people as the source of diversity, insight, creativity, and wisdom about safety, not as the source of risk that undermines an otherwise safe system. This book takes a forward-looking view that prepares you to resolve current safety issues in any field.





The Other Side of SafetyPalmer, Robert. The Other Side of Safety : Moving from Results-Based to Behavior-Based Safety, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022.

This book presents an insightful and practical approach to how you can move your safety program from Results-Based to Behavior-Based Safety. The move involves understanding what motivates behavior, utilization of consequences, practicing the seven steps of performance coaching, creating accurate safety campaigns, and defining evidence of a healthy Behavior-Based Safety program. The book provides definitions, examples, and applications that focus on how safety and business leaders can influence the behavior of people, impact their culture, and support healthy relationships.





Edited Handbook of ConstructionHandbook of Construction Safety, Health & Well-Being in the Industry 4.0 Era Safety, Health and Well-Being in the Industry 4.0 Era, edited by Patrick Manu, et al., CRC Press LLC, 2023.

This handbook brings together the current understanding of construction health, safety and well-being and the use of industry 4.0 technologies in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. The introduction highlights key issues and challenges, section one covers the application of digital technologies; and section two discusses the application of industrial production and cyber physical systems in the context of construction safety and management. Readers from a broad range of AEC backgrounds as well as safety professionals and technologists will learn how the technologies are applied and the resulting OSH benefits and drawbacks.

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